We have re-started our marketing campaign at Spell. We actually have a publicist now! However, more importantly we have to focus more attention on a broader expansion of our customer base.
So with my background in Marketing, I like to pretend on a daily basis that I'm the "know it all" but in the back of my mind I know--no person really ever knows where to land something--its luck and support of a good product. Our customers know we make a good product for them and that we will strive to take care of them--making this experience fun!.
But what I really want to know from the 158 followers of this blog, the Spell Blog, is: What you guys think!! Where should we go next? What can we do to continue to promote? Where do you want Spell to go? This is your time to help us, give us guidance, feedback and ANY opinion you may have right in the comments! We are seeking your help, at the end of it--you guys are our lifeblood anyway, so why not be inclusive.
We know one way that we are now going and that can be a way to become mutually beneficial. We have our Spell banner links, anyone who requests one and puts it on their blog/site will receive an automatic $5.00 gift certificate for each month it remains up. In addition, add you own code above or below it as a referral and you will receive 5% of each order coming through Spell using your code! At the end of the month, just request a corporate check or credit in the store--YOUR Choice.
Want to be involved, just be registered on the site with us and email us at
paul@spellcosmetics.com and request a banner for yourself!!
Thats the start!. Those that have helped get the word out on Spell, we can never thank you enoough, NEVER!!!! But now, your input is required and we will read and look forward to each!!!! Any comment is accepted and appreciated!